Pet Dental

As pet owners in Williamsburg, VA, we shower our pets with love and cuddles. Yet, one crucial aspect of their well-being might go undiscussed: dental health. While we readily acknowledge the importance of regular vet checkups and vaccinations, the topic of pet dental care may be strange to certain pet owners. For more information about pet dental hygiene, give our team at Middle Plantation Animal Hospital a call.

Pet Dental

Pets Can Suffer Silently

Neglecting your pet's dental health can have far-reaching consequences. Plaque and tartar buildup, the result of everyday chewing, hardens over time, causing gum inflammation (gingivitis). This silent suffering might go unnoticed by pet owners, as pets may not exhibit outward signs of discomfort until the later stages. Left untreated, gingivitis progresses to periodontal disease, which damages the jawbone and leads to tooth loss. The pain can be excruciating, significantly impacting your pet's quality of life.

Not Just a Cosmetic Concern

Dental disease isn't just about bad breath and missing teeth. The bacteria that builds up in the mouth can enter the bloodstream through inflamed gums, potentially leading to serious health. Regular dental cleanings performed by a veterinarian at an animal hospital or animal clinic in Williamsburg, VA, are not simply cosmetic procedures; they can be a vital part of preventive healthcare for your furry friend.

Age Isn’t the Only Factor

It may be easy to assume that only senior pets require dental care. However, younger animals are also susceptible to dental problems. Diet and chewing habits also influence dental health. While kibble helps clean teeth through chewing, a soft food diet can lead to faster tartar accumulation. A veterinarian on our team can assess your pet's individual risk factors and recommend the appropriate dental care plan.

Get Vet Care from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Clinic

At Middle Plantation Animal Hospital, our veterinary team understands the importance of preventative dental care for pets. We offer pet dental services, from routine cleanings to advanced procedures. Schedule a consultation with our team today and let's create a personalized dental care plan to keep your pet's smile healthy and bright for years to come. Remember, good pet dental hygiene can be important for your pet’s overall health and we at Middle Plantation Animal Hospital in Williamsburg, VA, are here to help you achieve that goal. Call us at (757) 345-6566 for vet care from a veterinarian near you at our animal hospital.


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