Pet Allergies

Understanding Pet Allergies


Nothing is more frustrating than being allergic to your beloved pet. When the love of your life is the source of uncomfortable symptoms, it can be a challenge to find relief and coexist together with respect for everyone's needs. Fortunately, at Middle Plantation Animal Hospital in Williamsburg, we understand pet allergies and are here to help. We have a pet pharmacy and offer a variety of treatment options available to help manage pet allergies. 



Common Causes of Pet Allergies

Pet allergies are typically caused by the proteins found in pet dander, saliva, and urine. When a person is exposed to these allergens, the immune system triggers an allergic reaction that can result in symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, rashes or hives, itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, and more. If left untreated, pet allergies can progress to asthma or even more severe health conditions.


How Pet Allergies Can be Treated

The primary goal of pet allergy treatment is to reduce allergen exposure as much as possible. Many pet owners may find that this is difficult to do, as simply having a pet in the house can cause an allergic reaction. But there are a variety of things you can do to reduce your exposure and make living with a pet easier.

      2. Vacuuming and dusting frequently: This can help reduce the amount of pet dander in your home and make living with a pet more tolerable. A simple vacuum or dusting by your veterinarian can make a big difference.
      3. Bathing your pet regularly: Regularly bathing your pet helps to remove allergens from the fur, which can help reduce symptoms. If you're not able to bathe your pet yourself, a professional groomer or a veterinarian can do it for you.
      4. Using air filters: Air filters help trap allergens in the air and prevent them from entering your home. Just get a quality air filter and make sure you change the filter regularly.
      5. Using allergen-specific immunotherapy: Allergen-specific immunotherapy is a treatment that involves exposing your pet to small amounts of the allergen over time to build up their tolerance to it. This can help reduce the symptoms associated with pet allergies.
      6. Medication: Over-the-counter and prescription medications can help to reduce allergy symptoms. An antihistamine can be taken to reduce sneezing and itching, while a nasal spray may be used for congestion and a runny nose.


      Contact Us for Pet Allergy Treatment

      At Middle Plantation Animal Hospital in Williamsburg, we understand how frustrating pet allergies can be. If you are struggling with pet allergies, our team of experts is here to help. We offer a variety of treatment options and advice at our pet pharmacy to make living with a pet easier and more enjoyable for everyone. Contact us today at (757) 345-6566 to learn more about our pet allergy services. We are here to help you and your beloved pet live in harmony.

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